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2012福州秋季全國糖酒會(huì )暨第87屆全國糖酒商品交易會(huì )誠邀您的光臨


  由中國糖業(yè)酒類(lèi)集團公司主辦、分別在春季和秋季舉行的全國糖酒商品交易會(huì )(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“糖酒會(huì )”)是全國食品行業(yè)的重要經(jīng)濟活動(dòng)。作為糖酒會(huì )的組織者,從1955年第一屆糖酒會(huì )開(kāi)始,我們一直奉行“為企業(yè)服務(wù)”的辦會(huì )宗旨,經(jīng)過(guò)半個(gè)世紀發(fā)展,今日的糖酒會(huì )已成為具有十萬(wàn)平方米的展覽面積、六千多家參展企業(yè)、成交額超過(guò)百億的海內外知名的展覽會(huì ),糖酒會(huì )以其在行業(yè)內廣泛的影響力,正在不斷顯示出自己獨特的魅力。得到了糖酒食品行業(yè)專(zhuān)業(yè)人士的普遍贊同和肯定。

  二〇一二年秋季全國糖酒商品交易會(huì )將于福州市舉行。這是糖酒會(huì )歷史上的第八十七屆盛會(huì ),我們真誠邀請您光臨本屆糖酒會(huì ),希望本屆糖酒會(huì )能成為您交易產(chǎn)品的場(chǎng)所、宣傳展示的舞臺、信息交流的媒體、聯(lián)系友誼的紐帶。

  我們相信,糖酒會(huì )上多層次的服務(wù)一定會(huì )使您不虛此行。如果您想了解更多糖酒會(huì )的信息,請及時(shí)與我們聯(lián)系,我們將隨時(shí)恭候您的垂詢(xún)。



 全國糖酒商品交易會(huì )辦公室




China National Sugar and Alcoholic Commodities Fair (abb.jinan in below as ‘Sugar and Alcoholic Fair’), sponsored by China National Sugar and Alcohol Group Corp., is held twice a year in spring and autumn respectively and has become an important economic event for China’s food industry. As the organizer of Sugar and Alcoholic Fair, we have been sticking to the principle of ‘serving enterprises’ since Sugar and Alcoholic Fair was first held in 1955. After half century of development, Sugar and Alcoholic Fair has become well-known in both China and abroad for its show area of 60,000 square meters, over 3000 participants, and trading volume of over 10 billion yuan rmb. With its wide-ranged influence and its increasing unique attraction, Sugar and Alcoholic Fair is commonly recognized among specialists of sugar, food, distillery and brewery industries.

The autumn phase of 2012 China National Sugar and Alcoholic Commodities Fair is going to take place in fuzhou. We sincerely invite you to present the event. Meanwhile, we hope that this Sugar and Alcoholic Fair would become one of your trading places, show platforms, media for information exchanges and links for friendships

We believe that our service at various levels would make your visit more valuable. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information about Sugar and Alcoholic Fair. Your inquiry is welcomed at any time.

Finally, we wish you and your business a prosperous future.


Administrative office
China National Sugar and Alcoholic Commodities Fair


2012年福州秋季全國糖酒會(huì )(第87屆全國糖酒商品交易會(huì )) 預定電話(huà):13194880807

  2024年全國春季糖酒會(huì )3月20日-22日在中國西部國際博覽城和成都世紀城新國際會(huì )展中心。
成都春季糖酒會(huì )服務(wù):
Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved 版權所有 蜀ICP備11025230號
電話(huà):13194880807 13881960988 傳真:02869581515
Email:xy@cntjh.net 聯(lián)系人:卿經(jīng)理 成都市新銀展覽展示服務(wù)有限公司
公司地址:成都市成華區八里小區桃蹊路216號 全程營(yíng)銷(xiāo):覓石互動(dòng) 
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